型番 ZIQ375
販売価格 2,250円(税込)
在庫数 残り1枚

Silk Road Assassins - Reflection Spaces (Planet Mu) 12inch
”Silk Road Assassins are Tom E. Vercetti, Lovedr0id & Chemist, who met while studying music technology and composition and discovered they had similar tastes and ideals. The project was formed after they began experimenting with combining the academic study of sound design with their personal musical interests. The original aim of the project was to combine their shared interests in grime, drill and club music with film and game soundtrack composition. The EP follows a loose narrative set in a retro-futuristic/dystopian city, with development into game music in mind; it’s dance music that has been crafted with an ear for widescreen enveloping sonics. It opens with the scene setting ‘Citadel VI’ dropping into the atmospheric glide of ‘Shaded’ with its camera sounds and energetic bass, kicks and claps. The mood darkens with the punchy ‘Defect’ as the track uncurls through a vortex of gated chords. ‘Cryo Enemy’ returns to a mournful trap with Gamelan and gongs splashing gently across rolling kicks and snares. ‘Vectors’ luxuriates in deep bass and trap snares as clouds of chords and arpeggios rise and fall. ’Akwraith’ rolls out with a nervous mood followed by the ambience of ‘Hollow-Point’ which finishes the EP where it started, warm and glowing.”

A1 Citadel VI
A2 Shaded
A3 Defect
B1 Cryo Enemy
B2 Vectors
B3 Akwraith
B4 Hollow-Point



bitowa - Septemba EP


【推薦盤】毎度オナジミ八王子発道程レコーズのレーベルから届いた七作目は、「A Cult...」に参加していたbitowaによる浮遊感が気持ちいい、エレクトロニック・ディープハウス逸品。タイムレスな響きあり。今回も名工Poleがマスタリング&カッティングを担当。Listen♪

Stones Taro - Clutch



2018年にNPLGNN's MBEから発表し入手困難になっていた行松陽介のミックステープがパッケージを新装して再発されました!当時、直販以外は一部店舗でしか見かけなかったような。ということで六年越しに行松流和物MIXを聴けることに。Listen♪


Rewind Dubsのジャパニーズ・ダブ復刻シリーズ第三弾は、関西が誇るダブ・マスターHav率いるSoul Fireによる00年代国産ダブ重要盤「Soulfire」(DUB入門に掲載)からのシングルカット&未発表曲をカップリングしての嬉しい7インチ・リリース🔥🔥🔥 Listen♪

naminohana records
営業時間 16:00〜20:00
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