型番 MK320LP
定価 1,950円(税込)
販売価格 1,200円(税込)

Tommy Johnson - Cool Drink Of Water Blues (Monk) 2LP
"Along with Son House and Charley Patton, Tommy Johnson was one of the great early talents of the Delta Blues style. Recorded in Memphis and Wisconsin in 1928 and 1929, these 17 tracks represent Johnson's complete recorded works from 1928 and 1929, and capture Johnson in his prime, when his talents were so great that when he told fans he'd made a pact with the devil... it was difficult not to believe him! Unfortunately Johnson's love for music was only surpassed by his love for 'canned heat' (large quantities of alcohol, in any form he could get it, including Sterno!). In fact, his 'Canned Heat Blues' is one of his better known songs (even lending its name to the well-known sixties blues band), along with 'Cool Drink of Water Blues' (famously covered by Howlin' Wolf as 'I Asked For Water (She Brought Me Gasoline) '). There is also some lesser known material included here, like 'Ridin Horse' and 'Alcohol and Jake Blues', taken from what is believed to be the only remaining copy of the original 78!"

A1 Cool Drink Of Water Blues

A2 Big Road Blues

A3 Bye Bye Blues
A4 Maggie Campbell Blues
B1 Canned Heat Blues

B2 Lonesome Home Blues (Take 1, Unissued Test)
B3 Lonesome Home Blues (Take 2)
B4 Big Fat Mamma Blues
C1 I Wonder To Myself
C2 Slidin' Delta
C3 Lonesome Home Blues
C4 Untitled Song - Take 1 (Morning Prayer Blues)
C5 Untitled Song - Take 2 (Boogaloosa Woman)
D1 Black Mare Blues (Take 1)
D2 Black Mare Blues (Take 2)
D3 Ridin' Horse
D4 Alcohol And Jake Blues

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